
Showing posts from December, 2013

An interesting approach to patient health records

New Online Course

I am considering creating several online courses for newbies to the medical office such as the medical billing process, creating a positive patient experience, etc. Please share any ideas you would be interested in.

Here's an interesting article at Modern Healthcare

Medicare will begin paying flat rates for clinic visits to outpatient clinics to avoid upcoding.  Do you think this is fair? Read the full article here

I posted a new article to Ask a Medical

It is important to understand how refunds and recoupments can potentially have a negative impact on reimbursement.  Since these financial activities are generally performed separately, sometimes it is difficult to ... Read more

R.I.P. Nelson Mandela


4 Most Common Billing Mistakes

Discussion Forum at Medical Office

I invite you to participate in my discussion forum at Medical Office @ .  Please feel free to use this forum to ask questions or express your opinion. Someone else may be searching for help on the same topic. Lots of people can contribute to or benefit from the discussions in this forum.